Welcome to the latest issue of the NGO Reporter. As many of you know, we now have official confirmation that the 2016 NGO/DPI Conference will take place in Seoul, South Korea, May 30 to June 1, with a focus on Education. The NGO/DPI Executive Committee’s Nominations Subcommittee has collected twelve nominations for the Conference Chair and is in the process of evaluating these candidates. Samantha Lu, the Subcommittee chair, has assured me that they are working as quickly as possible to evaluate and select candidates to recommend to the Executive Committee.
Next will be the formation of a conference planning committee and its subcommittees. There will be mirrored planning committees in both Seoul and New York. I hope that our readers will step forward to help. Many love to offer suggestions. However, much more valuable than emails telling us what to do, are the people who step forward and actually make things happen–contacting speakers, raising funds, working on logistics and the thousands of tasks that need to be done. So, may we have the doers step forward? Please feel free to write to me at: bknotts@globalngoexec.org. We need you now more than ever.
I also want to offer a warm note of appreciation and congratulations to the Executive Committee members who worked closely with DPI, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other UN agencies to organize a very successful event at UN Headquarters on Confronting the Silence: Perspectives and Dialogue on Structural Racism against people of African Descent Worldwide. For additional information, please consult:
http://www.un.org/arvent6o /news/story.asp?NewsID=52456#.Vjn-y26x5vo
(UN News, 3 Nov. 2015)
Remember that the NGO Reporter is your news magazine. Please let us know what you are doing. We want to hear from you.
In Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Compassion,
Bruce Knotts, Chair
NGO/DPI Executive Committee
The Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC) was founded in 1962 to promote a closer working relationship between the United Nations and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) affiliated with it. GNEC acts as a liaison between the NGO community and the UN's Department of Global Communications (UNDGC). GNEC provides strategic guidance to help NGOs become more effective partners of the UN.
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