NGO Reporter Readers,
The Conference Planning Committees are preparing for the May 30-June 1 UN NGO/DPI Conference on Global Education in Gyeongju, South Korea, which is rushing at us with hyper speed. Education, we are reminded, as we plan for this conference, touches our most deeply held values of morality and ethics. For most of us, those values come from our cultures, national policies, social norms and religions.
The Gyeongju Conference could not be more timely and will focus on all aspects of education, local, national and global. It will be an early and significant step towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We hope to see you there.
Bruce Knotts
Chair, NGO/DPI Executive Committee
Unitarian Universalist UN Office
The Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC) was founded in 1962 to promote a closer working relationship between the United Nations and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) affiliated with it. GNEC acts as a liaison between the NGO community and the UN's Department of Global Communications (UNDGC). GNEC provides strategic guidance to help NGOs become more effective partners of the UN.
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